The advantages and disadvantages of tamarind wood for furniture
Kistang - From a long time ago, the world of furniture has been identical or close to the world of woodwork, although some parties, be it furniture businessmen or the government, have begun to reduce the use of wood materials because the number of plants or trees that support the forest is decreasing day by day.
It's not surprising that some items that used to be made of wood are starting to be replaced with metal or plastic, but there are still a lot of fans of furniture made of wood or other wood-processed products. Therefore, both the government and furniture manufacturers are trying to find other alternatives. reducing illegal logging of trees in the forest, one of which is by utilizing agricultural wood such as sengon wood, rubber wood, mango wood, jackfruit wood, tamarind wood and so on.
In the furniture business rubik this time we will discuss the problem of agricultural wood, especially tamarind wood which we have never discussed.
Tamarind is one of the agricultural plants that produces fruit that tastes sour on our tongues. As the name implies, some of our people also call this plant tamarind which has its own scientific name with the scientific name Tamarindus indica, which belongs to the Fabaceae (Leguminosae) tribe. This species is the only member of the genus Tamarindus. Other names for tamarind are tamarind (Mly.), tamarind (Jw., Sd.), accem (Md.), asang java, asang jawi (various languages in Sulawesi) and others. Also sampalok, kalamagi (Tagalog), magyee (Burma), ma-kham (Thai), khaam (Laos), khoua me (Cambodia), me, trai me (Vietnamese), and tamarind (England). Fruit that is old, very ripe and dried is usually called tamarind kawak.
Tamarind tree is a plant that has a hard type of wood. Tamarind tree trunk height can reach 30 meters from the ground with a trunk diameter of up to 2 meters. Javanese tamarind wood is very good for making some processed wood, including furniture, while the fruit can be used for various purposes. health and fitness, it's no wonder that both herbal medicine, wedang drinks and even vegetables often use this tamarind fruit, especially for Indonesian people who are very familiar with this tamarind fruit.
The advantages and disadvantages of tamarind wood for furniture
After we get to know the Javanese tamarind tree, of course you also want to know how the quality is produced from furniture made of tamarind wood, not because of that we have summarized it from various sources for us to present to you, which are as follows:
The advantages of sour wood
The first thing we will discuss is what advantages tamarind wood has if we make products made of wood or furniture such as chairs, tables, cabinets, couches and others, which are as follows:
Tamarind wood has a beautiful fiber
Having a distinctive and beautiful fiber, it is not surprising that it is often used as the hilt of a keris or other traditional weapon which has its own beauty from the color pattern of the tamarind wood fiber.
Including hardwood
In terms of the hardness of tamarind wood, including hard wood, it's no wonder that tamarind is included in the ranks of level 2 quality wood in terms of strength.
Easy to shape
Although tamarind wood is included in the type of hard wood, but tamarind wood is easy for us to shape and process into several household needs, both furniture and furniture.
Lack of acid wood
Above we have discussed the advantages of tamarind wood, it would be better if we also discuss the disadvantages which are as follows.
Easy to get fungus and termites
Tamarind wood is not like teak or other woods that produce natural resin oil from it, so tamarind wood is easily affected by fungus or termites, therefore we still have to process it first if it is used for outdoor purposes.
The price is more expensive for 2 quality wood
Tamarind wood is a fairly expensive wood because tamarind wood is not only hunted by furniture craftsmen, but more processed wood craftsmen are hunted for arts such as weapon handles and so on, this causes the price of tamarind wood to be even more for us to make furniture.
Maybe that's all I can say about tamarind wood to be used as furniture, hopefully it will be useful and thank you for visiting.
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