Benefits of Jabon Wood and Prices You Must Know - Kistang
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Benefits of Jabon Wood and Prices You Must Know

Kistang - Jabon wood is also known as jabun, kelampayan, worotua, and empayang. Jabon tree is known as a fast-growing plant. The jabon tree has round and orange flowers with a distinctive aroma. Thanks to its distinctive aroma, the flowers are often used to make perfumes.

Benefits of Jabon Wood and Prices You Must Know
Benefits of Jabon Wood and Prices You Must Know

Jabon wood is usually used as a material for making furniture and raw material for the paper industry. The tree usually grows in Southeast Asia and South Asia. In English it is called burnflower. Jabon trees consist of two types, white jabon trees and red jabon trees.

In terms of quality, red jabon wood is superior to white jabon. In addition to the wood, some parts of the jabon tree are also used for several purposes. Here are the benefits of this wood that can be listened to.

Benefits of Jabon Wood in General

Jabon wood has many benefits, besides being used for furniture making. This wood is also used as:

  • Used for Plywood Making Materials.
  • Used for building construction.
  • Can be used for paper raw materials.
  • Processed into wooden boards.
  • It is used as a shoe base material.
  • Used for making crates or boxes.
  • Used for making canoes.
  • Can be used for making matchsticks.

It's not just the logs that have many uses. Some parts of the jabon tree have benefits that are still not widely known. Here are the parts of the Jabon tree that can be used:


Jabon plant leaves can be used as animal feed. In addition, jabon leaf extract can be processed into silver nanoparticles. Where the processed products can be used to strengthen the surface of a type of metal. Not only that, Jabon leaves also contain antimicrobials which are commonly used as mouthwash to remove bacteria in the mouth.


In addition to the trunk and leaves, the roots of the Jabon tree can also be used. The bark from the roots of the Jabon tree can be used as a natural dye.


For the flower part, it is usually used as the main ingredient for making attar, which is a typical perfume from India. This type of perfume is made by combining Jabon flowers with sandalwood plants.

Jabon Wood Price

When discussing the price, jabon wood is a type of wood that experiences an increase in price every year. The price per 1 cubic of wood is sold at a price of around Rp. 2,000,000 if in US dollars around $ 139 Jabon trees began to be widely cultivated because it was considered to have a fairly profitable investment opportunity among wood farmers.

In the cultivation process, this can be done by spreading the seeds into the planting medium which is placed in a plastic tub with a water infiltration hole. The right types of soil for jabon tree cultivation are clay, alluvial and cocoa podzolic. This type of soil is usually found in the area around the river.

In order for the growth of Jabon trees to be optimal, fertilization is needed. Fertilization can be done until the Jabon tree is 3 years old. Furthermore, fertilization is not needed anymore because the nutrients in the soil are sufficient. But if you want maximum results, you can also fertilize until the tree reaches 5 to 6 years.

Pests and diseases also need to be considered so as not to hinder the growth process. Pesticide spraying is required at least every 1 to 2 weeks for 3 to 5 months from initial planting.

that's some information about the benefits of jabon wood and its latest price. Hopefully useful and can add to your insight.

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